


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week 2

I know I shouldn't wait until Sunday, but I just submitted my assignment.  I had a chance to meet with my site supervisor earlier this week and we went over a few ideas that I had about possible research topics.  Last week I was adamant about my first topic of choice which was How Bullying Affects the School Climate Socially and Academically.  My site supervisor suggested that I should focus more on data and achievement.  I changed my topic to How Effective Are the Current Academic Interventions That Are Utilized On Campus.  My school district hires math and reading tutors during the school year to work with students who struggle academically.  Students also use researched based computer programs as part of the interventions.  Are these interventions helping our students?  I feel comfortable with this topic and know that I will be able to gain insight on each step associated with the intervention process.  I am excited and a little overwhelmed but I am just going to keep taking it one week at a time.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 1 of Action Research

I learned that action research is extremely beneficial when preparing to improve and address areas of concerns.  I also learned that action research is a form of research that allows one to self-reflect in order to improve the rationality of one’s own practices, their understanding of practices and the situations in which the practices are carried out.  Finally, I learned that action research can be used to assist in many educational forms such as:  to complete college work, in district meetings to identify and address areas of concern, and for leadership teams to improve planning while enhancing teaching and learning practices.

            This week was my first experience with creating a blog.  As a future administrator, I feel that a blog can be an extremely beneficial tool to help communicate effectively amongst teachers, students, and parents.  According to this week’s readings, a blog can be a powerful collection tool and can also be shared locally or globally (Dana, 2009).  I will use blogs to interactively post my ideas and areas of concern in order to gain feedback from my peers, parents, students, and teachers.  Hopefully I will get feedback from administrators in other districts that can give me ideas and solutions to my blogs.  I will also use my blogs as a motivational tool for teachers and students.